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Contest at Write4Art!


In 2024, enter your new musical,  play, or screenplay into our contest for prizes that include table readings and concert performances. Detailed submission guidelines below.

Variant A: Musicals


Deadline, round one: December 15, 2024


***Entries may not have already been professionally produced.  Shows that have had concert readings or workshop productions are eligible. ***

Please submit the following documents by the deadline via email to

admin[AT ]

  1. Completed Musical Entry Form, download here.

  2.  Plot synopsis of your musical:  Must be the entire plot, beginning, middle, and end in 2 pages or less, at least 12 point type size, one-inch margins.

  3.  Score samples:  3 songs via .mp3 audio and .pdf of piano vocal score.

  4.  One sample scene,  3 – 5 pages: scene must contain one of the songs from the score sample.

  5.  If this is an adaptation, include proof of rights or public domain status of the source.


Deadline, final round: May 31, 2025

Finalists will be notified  by April 30, 2025 and asked to submit the following by May 31, 2025:

  1.  Complete script

  2.  Compete recording of the score (or supply a link)

  3.  Complete .pdf of the piano/vocal score

Winners will be announced July 31, 2025.

First Prize:  A concert reading in Los Angeles

Second Prize:  A table reading in Los Angeles with critique from the cast and crew



Variant B: Plays and Screenplays


***Entries may not have already been professionally produced.  Shows that have had  workshop productions are eligible. ***

Deadline, round one:  April 30, 2025

Please submit the following documents by the deadline via email to

admin[AT ]

  1. Completed Non-Musical Entry Form, download here

  2. Plot synopsis of your (screen)play:  Must be the entire plot, beginning, middle, and end in 2 pages or less, at least 12 point type size, one-inch margins.

  3. Sample scene:  3 – 5 pages

  4. If this is an adaptation, include proof of rights or public domain status of the source

  5. Submission Release

Deadline, final round: November 1, 2025

Finalists will be notified by October 1, 2025 and asked to submit the complete script of their (screen)play by  November 1, 2025.

Winners will be announced December 1, 2025.

First Prize:  A concert reading in Los Angeles

Second Prize:  A table reading in Los Angeles with critique from the cast and crew.

We are looking forward to your submissions!


Upcoming events, John's Word of the Week, and special offers straight to your inbox!

Thank you!


Word4Art Productions is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization. Support the arts with a PayPal donation or gift from our wish list!

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